
Sunday, September 9, 2012

Simplemente Adriana

Simplemente Adriana
September 9, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Román

Adamant (unbreakable or unyielding)
Diligent (persevering)
Affable (approachable)
Acute (clever and intense)

While driving the other morning I got tuned in to the news and just as I was turning the radio on, the reporter was giving a run down on the suicide rate in Mexico
Another recent article in La Jornada newspaper reports that the suicide rate has increased from 38 in 2011 to 42 deaths this year.
During the first seven months of 2012, 124 out of 256 suicides were under the age of thirty.
Earlier today I read about a 29 year old man in Los Mochis Sinaloa who performed an act of cannibalism and tried to eat his intestines while screaming, “I want to die,” early Friday morning.

Tragedies like these always make me think on how some individuals can hit the bottom without giving themselves the opportunity to strive and reach out for the light at the end of the tunnel. Every human being goes through life’s ups and downs yet we only accept the good moments. As an adult, I believe that it is our outmost duty to seek for help and feed our mind and soul with positive people and energy but more importantly, to hold on to the faith in our hearts. 

A MUST in my spiritual daily diet is to listen to motivational talks on the radio or internet and one of them is Simplemente Adriana, 105.9, Monday trough Friday 7-9am who I listen to every chance I get. I met Adriana Corona Gil at the FIL, Feria Internacional del Libro (The International Book Fair) about three years ago and took a photo with her, I am certain that she doesn’t remember me. 

That same year, through her radio program I heard she was going to present one of her books at El Sotano bookstore in Chapalita where I went but I showed up two hours early so I could not stay. Last year I emailed her expressing my admiration and interest in her program but I never got a reply so I eventually gave up. 
Once again, on July fourth of this year, I made what would be my final attempt to build a bridge of communication and perhaps be invited to her program to talk about the overweight and obesity problem in Mexico. I’ve always wanted to manifest the importance of health and fitness in her program as the enthusiast that I am. Four weeks later I re-sent the email after not getting a reply. I recall that moment very vividly when I said to myself, “Yoryet, leave it up to God, if it’s meant to be, it will happen when the right time comes.” I’ve been trying not to fret and have applied this tactic in other personal matters.

The long awaited response landed this morning while looking through my email briefly; Saturday September 8, 2012, 08:24 p. m. I’ve been personally invited by Adriana to give a chat about the importance of writing well. I won’t get to talk about my passion my life: Health and fitness BUT I will be given the opportunity to talk about one of my other loves: Writing! I was thrilled and I can’t wait to be there, that is why I will do whatever it takes to give my most in that interview as one of my biggest concerns about Mexico is education.

Going back to the aforementioned topic, I’ve been down in the dumps at different stages in life but deep down I have always known that there is always a way out, I will bounce back sooner or later and what’s left is to fight, insist, resist, persist, hold on to the good in our lives, inject ourselves with a positive attitude, stay away from the mundane, materialistic and vain aspects of humanity and surround ourselves with positive leaders like Adriana.
Adriana always emphasizes the importance of morals, ethic, respect, faith, vision, persistence, sacrifice, focus, belief, focus, conquer, encouragement, inspiration, leadership, initiative, presence, essence, competence, gain, ability fulfillment passion, positive attitude, strength, faith, prevail and stewardship among many other values. She is always very concerned about her fellow country men, the city, and the young generations who seem to be dragging towards the opposite direction. As hard as the current may go, she never gives up. She goes by what the priest at La Crisitiada told Joselito, “Who are you if you don’t stand up for what you believe?”

Realize your true inner M. E.
Your magical essence

First we make our attitudes
Then our attitudes make us.
Dennis Waitley

Attitude is a small thing that makes a big difference

The difference between success and mediocrity is in the way you think.

Your dreams and attitude will determine your altitude in life.

Success is having your best day every day.

Change your thoughts and you change your world.
William James

The greatest mistake a person can make is to be afraid of making one
M. J. Babcock

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