
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Bend it like Bikram

Bend it like Bikram
August 9, 2012
By: Gina Yoryet Román

Bikram positions

When is it too soon to integrate health and fitness? Is there a standard age? Mr. Bikram Choudhury, a Yoga Master born in Calcutta in 1946 who developed the Bikram Yoga technique in the 1970’s didn’t think there was a limit when he started integrating yoga at the tender age of four. In the fourth year of his existence he started analyzing yoga and nine years later he won the National India Yoga Contest. In addition to being victorious in yoga for three consecutive years, he also went after a career in marathon running and prevailing as a weight lifter in the Tokyo 1964 Olympics.

Since the first studio opened in India, Bikram Yoga has spread around the world being one of the highest intensity yet injury free and fat-burning routines since it takes place in a 105f degree room. Bikram sessions last ninety minutes starting with a breathing exercise then progressing with twenty five or twenty six different postures. The hot room prevents muscle strain and it reduces injuries that’s why a high number of prior professional athletes and health and fitness enthusiasts opt to engage in this practice in addition to the sport they practice.

On top of serving as a fat burner, Bikram cleans the mind, body, soul, spirit and even the skin because you are literally in a hot sauna. It opens the skin pores allowing you to detoxify all the impurities and it gives a refreshing look and feel.

Other benefits of Bikram:
1)     600-800 burn calories per session
2)     Weight-loss
3)     It releases tension
4)     It boosts your metabolism
5)     Improves mental clarity
6)     It reduces stress
7)     It relieves arthritis
8)     It regulates blood pressure
9)     It’s designed to work the spine
10)It alleviates back pain, stiff necks, headaches, scoliosis, herniated disks and many problems.
11)It acts as a skin cleanser
12)It decreases blood-sugar levels
13)It reduces stress and anxiety
14)It balances the mind which decreases depression symptoms; it balances emotions
15)It regulates thyroids
16)It lowers cholesterol level
17)It helps improve respiratory problems, allergies, asthma
18)It is used as an anti-aging / Preventative Medicine


Tips to prepare and endure the ninety minute 105f degree hot sauna:
1)     Always keep yourself hydrated: Drink eight or nine glasses of water since all the fluid will be released when you sweat.
2)     Eat light meals to make your metabolism stronger.
3)     Cross train; complement it with other routines to maintain strong bones and muscle retention.
4)     Learn to know your body and get familiar with its fitness necessities.

The less you wear the better. Women will do with a small pair of shorts and a sports bra and men only need spandex shorts. And don’t forget a mat, a towel and a 1.5 liter bottle of water.

Bikram finally opened its first studio in Guadalajara on January 16, 2012, located on calle de Sao Paulo 2370, Col. Providencia so I will make sure not to leave behind any part of my gear when I give it a shot.

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