
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Meditating in Guadalajara

Tuesday December 21, 2010

Meditating in Guadalajara

Gosh! Ok, so my first experience EVER meditating and I failed! I give myself credit for at least trying!!! It was hilarious though that my first attempt to put my mind at ease was sabotaged by the fact that my friend who invited me got lost on our way there. I don’t know what it is with him, this guy is absolutely clueless when it comes to driving, directions and narrowing down a place. Most guys are good at controlling the wheel and finding their way through very easily but this friend of mine is like a girl that’s why we get along so well!
He is a born “tapatio” (Guadalajara native) and he has been driving for many years but he still manages to get lost. How? I haven’t got the slightest clue.
By the time we found the place it was too late and I didn’t want to interrupt anybody’s peace and their encounter with their inner selves so we choose to go have dinner when we weren’t even hungry! I felt guilty because I ate so damn much. I never eat that late (it was almost 10pm) and much less do I pack down that much. It is not even Christmas and I already put on like 3 kilos!!!! (7 pounds). When I got home I was so freaking full that I couldn’t even lie down because the food was right on my throat that I felt like choking. YUCK!
Oh well! I’ll try again later, rather sooner than later I should say.
Ending the year with meditation sounded like a good idea and in fact that is one of my goals for 2011, to relax more (and many more things). There are many projects that I want to accomplish before 2011 ends and I still don’t know how I’ll manage them, I wish I could clone myself to do more but it’s like they say, “when there’s a will, there’s a way.” Or like Philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” So the problem is not really all the things that are yet to come in our journey, the turmoil is deep down us.
So my recommendation to myself is to NOT rush, take each day and project at once and go from there because I’ve rushed before and things totally went out the roof or however that goes. So from my own experience I will not rush and I better not rush! There are still a few things to get done before 2010 ends. We are on a countdown and I need to move, I need to get another car, I need to get many things up and running but for the time being I need to get all my stuff ready for tomorrow (we are heading out for a few days to spend Christmas and perhaps new years away) before I hit the sack and get my beauty sleep. I’m already starting to doze off as I type away my last words. Ok, I better turn off the computer. No, wait! I don’t want to let go because I will leave it here at home so I am going to miss it a lot! My computer is part of me, it goes everywhere I go so leaving it behind for 10 days is so heartbreaking!! Ok, I better stop!

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