
Sunday, January 29, 2017

10 Golden Rules to Live By

If only every human in the world played by these rules, there would be more transparency, more honesty, more joy, more respect, more freedom, more brotherhood, less crime, less pain, less violence, less destruction, less doubt, less betrayals, less trials. These rules that I found on upgradereality are an illusion I hold highly in my heart. Perhaps I shall not live to bear witness of a new world. Despite that, I know that there is hope deep down in my heart. 

1 – Do unto others as you want others to do to you.
2 – Treasure your body for it is the vessel that guides you through your life.
3 – Be honest and always tell the truth
4 – Success requires hard work, persistence and a little creativity.
5 – Make a difference to a least one other person’s life.
6 – Admit when you’re wrong and apologize.
7 – You can learn something from everyone.
8 – Don’t be scared, go through life as fearlessly as possible.
9 – Smile and laugh every single day.
10 – Count your blessings and be thankful for all the good things in your life.

"The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off." 

~ Gloria Steinem ~

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Silence Reveals the Answers, Prayers Provide the Solution Faith Bestows Us with the Most Resilient Pillar

Silence Reveals the Answers, Prayers Provide the Solution
Faith Bestows Us with the Most Resilient Pillar...
January 17, 2017

I always enjoy reading faith, success, and weight loss stories.
I am in constant search for the most recent ways to be healthy and in shape according
to my age. It is not easy to be headed towards a fourth decade. It is easy to resonate with
Luz Gonzalez because I am Latina, food has always been one of my downfalls, especially as
I get older.

I don't know where women like her find the strength to keep going amid their storm.
As a woman of faith, I feel the connection!

Monday, January 16, 2017

A Woman of Courage

"By Gods grace, I am becoming a woman of courage, a woman of strength, a woman of self-discipline. A woman of diligence. A woman of wisdom and discernment, a woman of compasion, a woman of beauty - true beauty - the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. A woman who loves much, because she has been forgiven much. A woman who takes refuge in God alone. A woman of valor who does not run from battle, but to it, fearlessly, relentlessly determined. – through her obedience – to defeat the enemy and bring victory to herself and her people, to the glory of God and His eternal kingdom.

Friday, January 13, 2017

I’ve lost that loving feeling

I’ve lost that loving feeling…
It is buried under a massive pile of debris
January 13, 2017
By: Gina Yoryet

Many people express how thankful they are during Thanksgiving. Since I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, being grateful is something I include in my daily prayers.

I begin each day by being thankful for all these blessings
For having a healthy mind, spirit and soul
For having finally found the profession I was meant to accomplish
For having a loving and supporting family
For making it home safe and sound every day amidst so much brutality
For being surrounded by people who love me
For having role models to look up to
For being endowed with a powerful and dominant mind.
For having warm, healthy and exquisite meals at my table
For having friends who respect and look up to me
For having legs and feet to walk despite my never ending injury
For having hands and fingers that are guided by my mind to hang on to the writerly world
For the uncounted blessings I encounter on a daily basis
For not being addicted to anything that is detrimental to my health (other than eating excessively many times)
For having accomplished so much
For allowing God to always be by my side
For having two healthy eyes that can witness all the gifts of nature

Despite prior physical, emotional, financial, personal and other setbacks, I have prevailed. I am ready to tackle and conclude the projects I set last year with the according deadlines…
Today I am taking the first step to demolish that massive pile of debris to rescue the loving feeling for writing. 
Now is the time to just do it!
