
Monday, February 8, 2016

Pain is temporary

Quitting lasts forever
February 8, 2016

Pain is temporary quitting lasts forever.

Pain doesn’t just show up in our lives for no reason. It’s a sign that something needs to change.

The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.


I lie awake at night trying to find answers at no avail.
Right now I won't be able to do it, perhaps it will never be clear. The lack of motivation to hop out of bed will turn into strength to retaliate and bounce back one day. I shall live to see that.

Friday, February 5, 2016

¿Qué tipo de mujer eres?

¿Una mujer fuerte, o una mujer de fortaleza?
Viernes 5 de febrero del 2016

Una mujer fuerte hace ejercicios todos los días para mantener su cuerpo en forma... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza se arrodilla a orar, para mantener su alma en forma...

Una mujer fuerte no le teme a nada, ni a nadie... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza demuestra su valor a pesar de su temor o de su pánico...

Una mujer fuerte a nadie permite que le quite lo mejor de ella... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza da lo mejor de sí misma a todos, cada uno de los días de su vida...

Una mujer fuerte comete pocos errores y los evita en el futuro... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza se da cuenta de que los errores en la vida también pueden ser bendiciones de Dios, y aprende de ellos...

Una mujer fuerte camina confiada con pasos seguros y firmes... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza sabe que Dios la ayudará a levantarse cada vez que caiga...

Una mujer fuerte muestra en su rostro una expresión de seguridad y confianza en sí misma... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza muestra una expresión de gracia y serenidad...

Una mujer fuerte tiene fe en que tiene fuerza suficiente para su viaje por la vida... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza tiene fe en que el viaje la irá haciendo cada vez más fuerte...

Una mujer fuerte obtiene un compañero fuerte que incremente su fuerza... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza se convierte en la fuerza que hará invencible a su compañero...

Una mujer fuerte enseña a sus hijos a perseguir el éxito en la vida... mientras que una mujer de fortaleza les enseña a perseguir el amor y la virtud...

Monday, February 1, 2016

Buried under a Mountain of Self (Me)

Buried under a Mountain of Self (Me)
February 1, 2016
By: Gina Yoryet Román

And it is ready to crumple before my eyes

They say that every woman is born with it, but I wasn’t, or I neglected my nature all along. During my adolescence this thought never came to me because I was unbeknownst to what it fully entailed. I may not have known completely, but I was certain that deep down I didn’t desire it because of my rough upbringing. In my twenties, I got a somewhat fuller scope through my mother, friends, sisters, co-workers and acquaintances and I still didn’t aspire for it. In my early thirties and now that I am scratching f-o-r-t-y, OMG! Yes! I am still debating it.

Until exactly two weeks ago I was still rowing the wrong direction harder and harder each day to prevent it any cost. But on Tuesday January 26th, my suspicions were confirmed. I was experiencing a bit of insomnia, some swelling and cramps, but I wanted to make myself believe that it couldn’t be possible. But deep down I knew it had happened.

My first reaction was to whatsap a close friend of mine and confide my concern to her. I want to say that I was caught amidst frenzy and joy, but I wasn’t and that doesn’t make me feel very proud. But I was and I still am confined in the midst of panic, fear, worry, anxiety, and overall disgust with my body. I am very restricted physically. On top of my chronic knee injury, this has arised. I am in physical gridlock!

For whatever the Purpose Driven Life means, I don’t want to deny myself the opportunity and blessing to procreate, witness the beginning of a new promise and be an accomplice of the gift of metamorphosis through my temple. I want to live a life without regrets.

Towards the end of the week it sank in more and I accepted it. I am still terrified, daunted, reluctant in a way, and in a way hopeful, and aghast. Part of it is because I have never allowed myself to be completely happy. Why should I allow myself to unveil my real self? As of three days ago, I’ve been more at ease, lying awake at moments during the night, asking myself if I will be a good role model. I feel incapable of caring for me, and much less of another human being.

I won’t know how to react, I won’t know what to do.
I won’t know who to reach out to. For all I know, my woman instincts may kick in and things will work out, they always do. The more I think, the more I give fear room to reside in my mind, heart and soul. The more I am permissive of unease, the more icebound I become. The more I welcome doubt, the more I reject my nature. The more I deny myself to be happy, the more I deny my purpose, my mission, my vision, my dreams.

It all entails to being buried under a mountain of “Self,” “Me,” All my life everyone else has done everything for me. I am the first, last, and most important individual on my list. Not anymore, from the moment I found out till the end of my journey, my circumstances will be different.

Conceivably, I am frightened to give myself up. I want to go against my nature but I am grateful every day for this gift, this blessing, this joy. Today I will stop yearning for the young single woman I once was. Now I can clearly visualize that no matter how much I tried to bypass who I really was for a long period of time, the real me re-emerged. I now realize that one cannot run from oneself because one day, the real one will be disclosed.

And so my real self has disclosed, even if it means that I have to give up the mountain of “Self” to care for someone else.

All I can say is, "Why me, why here, why now?
Every day I am grateful to God and life and instead of asking for my will, I ask for his will
and for me to be humble and accept, for acceptance will set me free.